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    MVHRA offers several categories of membership, including:

    National Member – You are a member of the Society of Human Resource Management. Provide your SHRM Member Number and Expiration date when submitting membership request.

    Local Member – You are not a member of the Society for Human Resource Management but are a member of Mississippi Valley Human Resource Association only.

    Student Member – Individuals who are actively enrolled in human resource degree programs at the college or university level. Student members shall be entitled to full membership without the payment of dues, but will not have the right to vote or hold office.

    Honorary Member - Any member in good standing at the time of retirement from any firm, organization or institution may be elected to Honorary Membership of the Chapter by vote of the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall be entitled to full membership without the payment of dues, but will not have the right to vote or hold office.

    Payment of Dues

    Annual dues for National Members are $15.00 payable upon becoming a member and then $15.00 annually each January 1 thereafter. Local Members are $25.00 payable upon becoming a member and then $25.00 annually each January 1 thereafter. Student and Honorary Members do not pay MVHRA dues.

    To request membership, please send an email to:

    with Subject Line: Request for MVHRA membership

    Include your name, position, company, contact email and contact phone.

    Upon request, you will receive a membership form completion with payment.