Leadership Duties & Responsibilities
The President shall preside at the meetings of the members and of the Board. He/she shall direct the Chapter and have charge and supervision of the affairs and business of MVHRA. He/she shall maintain liaison and be a current member in good standing with SHRM.
The Vice President & President-Elect assists the President in overseeing all activities of the Chapter. In the absence of the President performs all Presidential responsibilities. Manages the development and provision of monthly programs, workshops, seminars, and other services provided by the Chapter.
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings of MVHRA. The Secretary/Treasurer is also responsible for keeping an up-to-date roster of names and addresses of chapter members. He/she shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the MVHRA. These responsibilities shall include financial reports to the Board and arrangements for the annual examination audit of the accounts as may be required by the Board. He/she will work closely with the Membership Chair and shall be responsible for member billing. He/she also performs other duties as the President may determine.
The Education & Certification Chair is a member of the Executive Council and is responsible for keeping all chapter members informed of upcoming certification testing for PHR and SPHR certifications.
The Diversity Chair is a member of the Executive Council and is responsible for promoting diversity initiatives within the Chapter and the community. Also, the Diversity Chair is responsible for developing and/or distributing information and materials to Chapter members to promote diversity in the workplace.
The College Relations Director / Workforce Readiness Advocate Chair is a member of the Executive Council is responsible for promoting educational initiatives at the secondary level that contributes toward the preparation of youth for the workforce. He / she is also responsible for reporting to the Chapter activities that support School to Work efforts in the area.
The Foundation Chair is a member of the Executive Council and is responsible for keeping Chapter membership up to date regarding opportunities to contribute financially to the SHRM foundation and the Foundation’s activities and fund-raising needs.
The Legislative Chair is a member of the Executive Council and monitors and evaluates on a continuing basis pending legislative, regulatory and legal action at the federal, state and local levels that may have an impact on the management of human resources.
The Membership Chair is a member of the Executive Council and is responsible for managing the membership function to successfully achieve an increase in Chapter membership. Maintains the Chapter membership information and submits to State and National SHRM as requested.
Executive Council Leadership Chair positions are elected for a 2 year terms.