02/2025 Meetings & Events
Date | Event | Type |
October 5 to October 7 | SHRM Strategy Conference | Conference |
October 24 to October 26 | SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Exposition | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 8 to November 10 | Work-Life Focus 2012 and Beyond | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
January 4 | Employment Branding | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 1 | Top 10 Background Check Mistakes | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 4 to March 7 | Employment Law & Legislative Conference | Conference |
March 7 | Social Capital Management | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 4 | Doing Well by Doing Good (DVD) | Meeting |
April 30 to May 2 | SHRM Talent & Staffing Management Conference & Exposition | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
May 2 | Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 6 | Local Drug Trends Facts & Myths | Meeting |
June 24 to June 27 | SHRM 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
July 11 | Solutions for Business & Industry | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 1 | The Keys to Achieving Leadership and Organizational Success | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 5 | Healthcare Reform Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 3 to October 5 | SHRM Strategy Conference | Conference |
October 3 | Administrative Law Judge Joe Walsh - | Meeting |
October 22 to October 24 | SHRM Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Exposition | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 7 | AH-HAH! Moments | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 5 | No Meeting - Happy Holidays |
Date | Event | Type |
January 2 | Advanced Employee Screening Techniques | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 6 | What is OSHA Looking for When They Come Calling? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 6 | MetLife's 10th Annual Employee Benefit Trends Study | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 3 | Cross Cultural Competence for the HR Professional | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 1 | Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 5 | How to Reboot Safety in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 3 | Drug Trends Affecting Southeast Iowa Employers | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 7 | Analyzing Labor Market Trends to Enhance HR Decision Making | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 4 | ALICE: Violent Intruder Response Training | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 2 | Healthcare Reform Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 6 | Unemployment Insurance Hearings, What You Need to Know | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 4 | No Meeting - Happy Holidays |
Date | Event | Type |
January 8 | How HR Can Have a Larger Role in Setting Strategy | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 5 | February 2014 - MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 5 | March 2014 - MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 2 | April 2014 - MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 7 | May 2014 - MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 4 | June 2014 - MVHRA Meeting - HR Legal Pitfalls: Do's & Don'ts | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 2 | July 2014 - MVHRA Meeting - Iowa Workers' Compensation Law - Strategies for Minimizing Risk | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 6 | August 2014 - MVHRA Meeting - Drug Education 101: Signs, Symptoms and Trends | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 3 | September 2014 - People Reading: What's In It For Me? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 1 to October 3 | 2014 Iowa SHRM State Conference - HR's Mission: Impossible | Conference |
October 8 | October 2014 - 2-HOUR SPECIAL EVENT: Developing an Empowered Workforce through Performance Management | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 5 | November 2014 - MVHRA Meeting - Affordable Care Act | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 3 | No Meeting - Happy Holidays!!! | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Now Hear This! Why is Safety Ignored?" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Give Your Employees C.R.A.P...and 7 Other Secrets to Employee Retention" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Knowing More by Saying Less: Getting the Most Out of Every Conversation and Interview" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 1 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Handling Everyday Leave Issues" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 13 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "WIOA - What's in it for Me?" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "The Best Culture Wins" (2 hr presentation) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 1 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Safety in the Workplace" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 5 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Eat That Frog" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 9 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Appreciating Clients, Customers and Coworkers" (2 hr presentation) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 7 | MVHRA Meeting - CANCELLED | Meeting |
October 7 to October 9 | 2015 Iowa SHRM State Conference / HR Heroes | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Unemployment Insurance Appeals for Iowa Employers" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 2 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Employment Law Update" (2 hr presentation) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Recruiting and Hiring Top Talent" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Building a Mentoring Program for Success" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 2 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Is it Possible to Train Effectively in Spite of Cultural and Language Differences?" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Identity Theft" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "A Diverse Population's Value System" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 1 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "HR Professional as Coach: Supporting Managers in Building Great Teams" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Iowa's Wage and Child Labor Laws" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Alzheimer's, Dementia and the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Fair Labor Standards Act: Executive, Administrative & Professional Exemptions" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 5 | NO OCTOBER MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 2 | MVHRA Meeting: Developing an Empowered Workforce through Performance Management" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "2016 Employment Law Update" |
Date | Event | Type |
January 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Completing the Form I-9, DHS IMAGE Program" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 1 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "How HR Can Successfully Conduct Meetings to Communicate & Retain Employees" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 5 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation "Trump Administration's Impact on Your Benefit Plan" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation - "Having Meaningful Conversations during Performance Evaluations" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation - "Mental Health in the Workplace: Improve Knowledge of Symptoms, Communication and Coping" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 12 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation "ADA and the Interactive Process" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 2 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Conducting Workplace Investigations" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: Bridges out of Poverty: "Poverty in the Workplace" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 4 | No MVHRA Meeting in October | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 1 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Unemployment Insurance Appeals for Iowa Employers" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Employment Law Update" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation "Grow Your Own Workforce" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Recruiting and Retention in Iowa: The top four things you need to know for 2018" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 4 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "The Best Culture Wins - A Leadership Story" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 2 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Drug Usage in the Workplace: Identifying Local Drug Trends" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Coaching for Performance Development - Management Skills Training" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 11 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Navigating the FMLA Waters" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 15 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "What Next? The Implications of the Plaintiff Employment Law Verdicts & #MeToo on Iowa Employment" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 5 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "The Dreaded Employee Evaluation: Are They Really Worth the Time?" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 3 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 7 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Workplace Wellness Strategies" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 12 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "HR's Role in the Employee Career Journey" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 9 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Employment Benefits and ACA 2019 Updates" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Best Practices for Drafting Employee Handbooks" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Competitive & Effective Compensation Strategies" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 3 | MVHRA Meeting - 2 HOUR Presentation by Mark Hudson: "It's Back... Ban-the-Box 2019 Update" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 1 | MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 19 | MVHRA Meeting presentation "HR Analytics: What to know and what to do" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 10 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "From Slow Erosion to Social Media Explosion" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Iowa Clearinghouse for Work-Based Learning" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 4 | MVHRA Meeting Presentation: "ADA and FMLA Updates" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 2 | NO OCTOBER MEETING | Meeting |
October 9 to October 11 | 2019 Iowa SHRM State Conference "HR Game On" - Des Moines, IA, October 9-11 | Conference |
October 23 | 2019 Iowa Employment Conference - Altoona, IA, October 23 | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 6 | MVHRA Meeting - Presentation: "Developing Day to Day Performance Expectations" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Preventing Workplace Injuries and Promoting Wellbeing" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 8 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Demographic Changes, Technology and the Outlook of Business Adaptation" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 5 | MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Drug Usage in the Workplace: Identifying Local Drug Trends" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Employee Health & Benefits in 2020 & Beyond" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 6 | MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 3 | MVHRA Meeting VIA ZOOM - presentation: "Returning to Work During Pandemic Times" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 8 | MVHRA Meeting VIA ZOOM - presentation: "Strategic Planning: What is HR's Role?" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation VIA ZOOM: "Building Mental Toughness for HR Professionals" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Talent Development & Employee Growth Strategies" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 7 | MVHRA Meeting | Meeting |
October 14 to October 15 | Iowa SHRM State VIRTUAL Conference: HR 2020 & Beyond | Conference |
October 21 | Iowa Employment Conference - 2020 Fall Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Developing Compensation Programs During Increased Minimum Wage Pressure" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Helping During Crisis: Mental Health & Empathetic Listening" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Emerging Concepts in Health Insurance Benefits" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Emerging Concepts in Health Insurance Benefits | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Tips & Trends from the 2020 National Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Plans" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Succession Planning That Works" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Workers' Compensation Laws & Claims Processing" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 14 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "HR Marketing in Today's Digital World" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: 2021 Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
September 8 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Culture Index Survey Process: Checking the Wellness of Your Culture | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 6 to October 8 | 2021 Iowa SHRM State Conference: "HR All in!" | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
November 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Toxic Leadership: Why It Happens and How to Stop It" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Strategies and Resources: Addressing Workforce Shortage" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Ethics in the Workplace" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: What's on Employee's Minds - An Unmet Need Discussion and Employee Benefit Plan Benchmarks/Trends for 2022 | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Discipline & Parting Ways | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: The Fair Labor Standards Act | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Health Insurance Renewal Strategies | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Cyber Security in the 21st Century | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: FMLA and ADA Compliance | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Assessing Changes Made and Anticipated to the HR Landscape During the First Term of the Biden Presidency" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 5 to October 7 | Iowa State SHRM Conference | Meeting |
October 5 to October 7 | NO MVHRA meeting - Iowa SHRM conference | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Inclusive Hiring Practices | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 13 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Age-Inclusive Management Strategies (AIMS) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 11 | MVHRA Chapter Membership Appreciation and Holiday Social |
Date | Event | Type |
February 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Candidate Experience and Onboarding Strategies | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: The Gifts of Gratitude in the Workplace | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "5 Strategies for Equitable, Inclusive Interviewing" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Elevate Your Impact Through Strengthening Your Executive Presence" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "What's on Top of Employee's Minds" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 12 | MVHRA Summer Social at The Drake (on the patio) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 9 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: Developing Compensation Programs During Increased Minimum Wage Pressure | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Veterans in the Workplace" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
October 4 | NO MEETING THIS MONTH | Meeting |
October 11 to October 13 | 2023 Iowa SHRM State Conference | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "2023 Employment Law Update" by Mark Hudson | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 13 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Bring Back Belonging" (Creating a Culture of Belonging) | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 10 | Holiday Social/Membership Appreciation Event | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 1 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Behaviors in the Workplace: Finding Root Cause in Employee Investigation & Issue Resolution" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "No Jerks at Work" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 3 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
July 10 | MVHRA Membership Appreciation & Summer Social |
Date | Event | Type |
August 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "HR: Choose your Genre" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "How to Build a Fair, Transparent Pay System" | Meeting |
September 25 to September 27 | 2024 Iowa SHRM State Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
October 2 | NO MVHRA Meeting in October | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: "Final Rule: Restoring and Extending Overtime Protections" | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
December 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: 2024 Employment Law Update | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
January 8 | MVHRA Chapter Membership Appreciation and Holiday Social | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 12 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
March 5 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 7 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 4 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
July 2 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
August 6 | MVHRA Meeting - presentation: | Meeting |